Process engineering design of screw machines
One of our core competencies is the screw design of single-screw and twin-screw extruders. Our experience ranges from rubber extruders and classic plasticizing extruders to high-speed extrusion or compounding extruder design.
For interested companies, Kunststofftechnik Paderborn offers the process engineering design of screw machines using the in-house software REX/PSI and SIGMA. In addition to the new design of screw machines according to your requirements, existing processes can also be recalculated and geometrical as well as process-technical parameters can be optimized. For this purpose, material measurements are also offered so that the design can be carried out with realistic data.
Furthermore, a scale-up / scale-down of existing screw machines can be carried out. This serves to transfer functional processes to a different screw diameter. This procedure can be used to create a screw catalog at the customer's request. The catalog represents different sizes of a screw machine series with the desired process characteristics.
In addition to the further development of our in-house software products REX/PSI and SIGMA for the design of screw machines, we also offer individual software solutions for industrial companies. These can be design tools for tools or plastic products, calculation programs for processing operations or the programming of interfaces.

Dr.-Ing. F. Brüning
Managing Director
Kunststofftechnik Paderborn gGmbH
Universität Paderborn
Pohlweg 47-49
D-33098 Paderborn
Tel.: 05251/60-3837
E-Mail: info@ktp-software.de

Dr.-Ing. F. Brüning
Managing Director
Kunststofftechnik Paderborn gGmbH
Universität Paderborn
Pohlweg 47-49
D-33098 Paderborn
Tel.: 05251/60-3837
E-Mail: info@ktp-software.de