Material data management
Import and export
PAM – Paderborn Material Database

Compared to commercially available material databases, which often rely on material data sheets, PAM enables the creation of individual material data sets. The clear presentation of relevant material characteristics in PAM also allows direct assessment of the material behavior in the material-specific processing range.
Extract from PAM - Viscosity curves
material search
Clear representation
of relevant material properties
- Molecular data (e.g. molar mass distribution)
- Rheological data (e.g. viscosity)
- Thermodynamic data (e.g. enthalpy, thermal conductivity)
- Technological data (particle size distribution)
- Tribological data (friction values)
- Individual addition of material data
The extensive equipment of the laboratories at Kunststofftechnik Paderborn ensures that the material parameters required for the simulation tools are determined in accordance with the standards. The determined material parameters are linked to a data set in PAM and provided to the simulation tools for further calculation.
Features of PAM
- Import and export of material and compound data sets
- Standardized preparation of material data
- Individual adaptation of material data sets
- Mathematical modeling of material properties
- Extensive search options
- Comparison of materials
Features in detail
Comparing data sets
With PAM it is possible to compare up to seven different data sets. This can be done both tabularly and graphically.
Material data management
With PAM, not only can data be managed, but it can also be evaluated with regard to, for example, a simulation calculation.
Import and export
Material data and measurement series can either be entered manually or imported e.g. from PSI, REX, SIGMA, PaDiCAD or Microsoft Excel. However, the material data entered and edited in PAM can also be exported and thus be available to the simulation programs PSI, REX and SIGMA, for example.
Search within the database
Within the database, it is possible to search for materials that meet these criteria using various specifications, such as specific material types or specific zero viscosities.

How can I purchase the software?
Our software products are not subject to a classic licensing model. Rather, we aim to advance the development of the software together with our partners. This means that we conduct joint research projects in two-year terms, in the context of which the rights of use for the respective software product are agreed.

F. Hanselle, M.Sc.
Project Manager PAM
Kunststofftechnik Paderborn gGmbH
Universität Paderborn
Pohlweg 47-49
D-33098 Paderborn
Tel.: 05251/60-3837
E-Mail: info@ktp-software.de

F. Hanselle, M. Sc.
Project Manager PAM
Kunststofftechnik Paderborn gGmbH
Universität Paderborn
Pohlweg 47-49
D-33098 Paderborn
Tel.: 05251/60-3837
E-Mail: info@ktp-software.de