Current news

REX/PSI An­wen­der­tref­fen 2024

REX/PSI An­wen­der­tref­fen 2024

Beim diesjährigen REX/PSI-Anwendertreffen (REX = Rechnergestützte Extruderauslegung, PSI = Paderborner Spritzgießsimulation) kamen zahlreiche Vertreter aus Industrie und Wissenschaft zusammen,  darunter Firmenvertreter von Arburg GmbH & Co. KG, BASF SE,...

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Matt­hi­as Al­te­pe­ter pro­mo­viert am KTP

Matt­hi­as Al­te­pe­ter pro­mo­viert am KTP

Matthias Altepeter verteidigt erfolgreich seine Promotion mit dem Thema: "Materialabbau von Polypropylen auf dem gleichläufigen Doppelschneckenextruder" am KTP. Prüfungskommission:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schöppner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Puch, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Iris...

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Nor­dic Rheo­lo­gy Con­fe­rence (NRC)

Nor­dic Rheo­lo­gy Con­fe­rence (NRC)

At this year's Nordic Rheology Conference (NRC), Felix Hanselle represented Kunststofftechnik Paderborn and presented his research in the field of modeling the pressure dependence of melt viscosity. The NRC took place for the 33rd time

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ANTEC 2024

ANTEC 2024

This year, 5 KTP employees attended the ANTEC24 (Annual Technical Conference) of the SPE (Society of Plastic Engineers) in St. Louis. Christian Elsner presented his research in the field of additive manufacturing, Laura Austermeier, Jan Landgräber and...

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Best Technical Paper Award bei ANTEC24

Best Technical Paper Award at ANTEC24

Laura Austermeier wins "Best Technical Paper Award" at ANTEC24 (Annual Technical Conference) of the SPE (Society of Plastic Engineers) in St. Louis. In her research, Laura Austermeier deals with the energy input in co-rotating,...

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SIGMA Anwendertreffen 2024

SIGMA User-Meeting 2024

The simulation software SIGMA is a joint research project of leading industrial companies and Kunststofftechnik Paderborn. The program is used to simulate compounding and processing operations on co-rotating twin screw extruders. As...

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Neuer REX/PSI Projektpartner NGR

New REX/PSI project partner NGR

Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH (NGR) has been a new member of the REX/PSI joint research project user group since October last year. NGR, headquartered in Feldkirchen an der Donau (Upper Austria), develops and builds intelligent, future-oriented plastics

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REX 17.1 / PSI 15.1 Anwendertreffen der Kunststofftechnik Paderborn

REX 17.1 / PSI 15.1 User-Meeting 2023

This year's REX/PSI user meeting (REX = computer-aided extruder design, PSI = Paderborn injection molding simulation) brought together numerous representatives from industry and science, including company representatives from Arburg GmbH & Co. KG, Arenz GmbH, BASF SE

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Rückblick Kuteno 2023

Review Kuteno 2023

Also this year Kunststofftechnik Paderborn was represented with a booth at this year's fair Kunststofftechnik Nord (KUTENO) in Rheda-Wiedenbrück from May 09 - 11. We look back on numerous interesting discussions on various topics...

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Ohne Kunststoff läuft hier nichts

Ohne Kunststoff läuft hier nichts

Strong participation of Kunststofftechnik Paderborn at the 75th Paderborner Osterlauf on Easter Saturday in Paderborn. Ohne Kunststoff läuft hier nichts! And the motto doesn't just apply to our research. In the modern world, very little works without plastics.

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Kunststofftechnik Paderborn will be represented with a booth at this year's Kunststofftechnik Nord (KUTENO) trade fair in Rheda-Wiedenbrück from May 9-11. The KTP informs the fair participants about current research activities and...

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Neuer Ansprechpartner für PAM

New contact person for PAM

On 01.01.2023 Felix Hanselle took over the project management of PAM from Dennis Kleinschmidt. From now on Dennis Kleinschmidt is working as group leader extrusion at KTP.

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Neuer SIGMA Projektpartner C.A.PICARD

New Member in SIGMA-Project

Since the beginning of the year, C.A. Picard has been part of the group of industrial companies that can use SIGMA and participate in its further development. The C.A.PICARD Group, headquartered in Remscheid, Germany, manufactures highly...

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SIGMA Anwendertreffen 2023

SIGMA User-Meeting 2023

The simulation software SIGMA is a joint research project of leading industrial companies and Kunststofftechnik Paderborn. The program is used to simulate compounding and processing operations on co-rotating twin screw extruders. This...

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Neuer Ansprechpartner für REX und PSI

New contact person for REX and PSI

On 01.10.2022 Felix Knaup took over the project management of REX. Maximilian Frank will leave the KTP at the end of the year after more than four years as a research assistant. We wish him...

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REX/PSI Next Generation

REX/PSI Next Generation

Recently, the new versions REX 17 and PSI 15 were delivered. A special feature of this project phase is that the customers have received two versions, including the well-established REX/PSI classic, as well as a completely revised design prototype, the so-called REX/PSI Next Generation.

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After the last alumni meeting had to be cancelled due to corona, the meeting of the former employees and graduates of the KTP took place on 23.09.2022. In addition to technical presentations by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Elmar Moritzer, Prof ...

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REX Schulung Windmöller und Hölscher

REX training Windmöller und Hölscher

Recently we had the pleasure to welcome three employees of Windmöller und Hölscher KG in our company and to train them in the software REX. The training, which is specially adapted to the customer's wishes, is part of the project membership and in this case covered e.g. REX3D,...

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REX / PSI Anwendertreffen 2022

REX / PSI annual meeting 2022

This Year the annual user meeting of the simulation software REX/PSI (REX = Computer Aided Extruder Design, PSI = Paderborn Injection Molding Simulation) developed in Paderborn was held again this year - but digitally via the online conference platform BigBlueButton. Thus, on Mai 31, numerous representatives from industry and science...

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Kunststofftechnik Paderborn will be represented with a booth at this year's Kunststofftechnik Nord (KUTENO) trade fair in Rheda-Wiedenbrück from May 10-12. The KTP informs the fair participants about current research activities and...

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SIGMA-Anwendertreffen 2022

SIGMA User Meeting 2022

The simulation software SIGMA is a joint research project of leading industrial companies and Kunststofftechnik Paderborn. The program is used to simulate compounding and processing operations on co-rotating twin screw extruders. This...

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Formnext 2021

Formnext 2021

Formnext is one of the most important trade fairs for additive manufacturing. This year, companies from all over the world again presented their equipment and technologies. Here, it ranged from established manufacturers with their new equipment generations to newcomers with...

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Kunststofftechnik Paderborn will be represented with a booth at this year's trade fair Kunststofftechnik Nord (KUTENO) in Rheda-Wiedenbrück from September 07 - 09. The KTP informs the fair participants about current research activities and services in...

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„Einsatz von Rezyklaten in der industriellen Produktion“

"Use of recyclates in industrial production"

Practical Workshop: Use of Recyclates in Industrial Production - Opportunities and Risks / Introduction and Practical Experiences Mon, 06/14/2021, 2:00-5:30 p.m. InnoZent OWL e.V., Zukunftsmeile 2, 33102 Paderborn, Room ZM2.A.00.07 (first floor), Recycled materials...

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SIGMA-Anwendertreffen 2021

SIGMA User Meeting 2021

The simulation software SIGMA is a joint research project of leading industrial companies and Kunststofftechnik Paderborn. The program is used to simulate compounding and processing operations on co-rotating twin screw extruders. The annual user meeting took place on February 23...

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REX / PSI Anwendertreffen 2021

REX / PSI User Meeting 2021

Despite the ongoing Corona pandemic, the annual user meeting of the simulation software REX/PSI (REX = Computer Aided Extruder Design, PSI = Paderborn Injection Molding Simulation) developed in Paderborn was held again this year - but digitally...

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SIGMA-Anwendertreffen 2020

SIGMA User Meeting 2020

The simulation software SIGMA of Kunststofftechnik Paderborn is used for the evaluation and improvement of processing operations on co-rotating twin screw machines and was presented to the project partners on March 3 in its current version 12.1. At...

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