Laboratory analyses

The technologically modern equipment of our test laboratories enables us to provide you with well-founded and reliable results that support you in the development and optimization of materials, products and processes, quality assurance and systematic failure and damage analysis.

The close interlocking between the material parameters determined by laboratory analysis and the software tools of Kunststofftechnik Paderborn lays the foundation for directly feasible simulation processes following the material analysis.

As a supplement to tests according to national and international standards, you benefit from customized solution options for individual questions. You will find an overview of our range of services in the detailed presentation.

Physical test methods

Density determination

  • Bulk density determination (DIN EN ISO 60)
  • Density determination of plastic melts with high pressure capillary rheometer (pvT)

Rheological test methods

Mass and volume melt flow rate (MFR / MVR)

  • according to DIN EN ISO 1133

Viscosity determination on a high-pressure capillary rheometer

  • according to DIN 53014

Determination of solution viscosity

  • Material types PET, PA, PBT, PC

Thermal test methods

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) (DIN EN ISO 11357)

  • Heat conversion, crystallinity, crystallite melting range
  • glass transition temperature, oxidation stability, reaction kinetic data
  • specific heat
  • enthalpy

Determination of temperature and thermal conductivity of solids and melts

  • according to DIN EN ISO 22007-1 / DIN EN 821-2

Many of our customers order this material data set from us with individual advice on the temperatures that make sense to select and receive corresponding further feedback on the quality of the results of the various measurements.

You can find our complete portfolio of material analyses here.


Dr.-Ing. F. Brüning

Dr.-Ing. F. Brüning

Managing Director

Kunststofftechnik Paderborn gGmbH
Universität Paderborn
Pohlweg 47-49
D-33098 Paderborn

Tel.: 05251/60-3837

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Dr.-Ing. F. Brüning

Managing Director

Kunststofftechnik Paderborn gGmbH
Universität Paderborn
Pohlweg 47-49
D-33098 Paderborn

Tel.: 05251/60-3837

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